Food4Thought Comparative Report
Within the European project called Food4Thought, a strategic partnership co-financed by Erasmus+ grants, we developed together with our partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Portugal and Italy, a comparative report in the form of infographics. It includes the most important topics related to agriculture, urban gardening and the need to promote them among young people between the ages of 18 and 30.
The answers that form the basis of the report were gathered in the research phase of the project, through which we wanted to find out what the situation is at the level of each country involved, but also to compare the results for a broader vision of the subject. 200 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 gave us answers, based on which we developed the report below:
In cadrul proiectului European numit Food4Thought, un parteneriat strategic co-finantat prin granturile Erasmus+, am dezvoltat impreuna cu partenerii nostri din Bulgaria, Croatia, Cipru, Portugalia si Italia, un raport comparativ sub forma de infografice. Acesta inglobeaza cele mai importante subiecte legate de agricultura, agricultura urbana si necesitatea de a le promova in randul tinerilor cu varste cuprinse in 18 si 30 de ani.
Raspunsurile care stau la baza raportului au fost adunate in faza de cercetare a proiectului, prin care ne-am dorit sa aflam care este situatia la nivelul fiecarei tari implicate, dar si sa comparam rezultatele pentru o viziune mai ampla asupra subiectului. 200 de tineri cu varse intre 18 si 30 de ani ne-au oferit raspunsuri, pe baza carora am dezvoltat raportul urmator:
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