
FOOD4THOUGHT Ghid de instruire pentru abilitarea tinerilor din mediul urban

FOOD-4-THOUGHT Ghid de instruire pentru abilitarea tinerilor din mediul urban Unul dintre cele mai recente rezultate ale proiectului FOOD-4-THOUGHT, coordonat de Asociația GEO CLUB, este un ghid de instruire foarte…

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FOOD4THOUGHT Training pack for Empowering Urban Youth

FOOD4THOUGHT Training pack for Empowering Urban Youth One of the latest results of the FOOD-4-THOUGHT project, coordinated by GEO CLUB Association, is a very complex training pack dedicated to young…

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FOOD4THOUGHT Focus Groups Final Report

FOOD4THOUGHT Focus groups Final Report EN: One of the latest achievements of our project is the final report based on the focus groups that were held in each of the…

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Press Release

Hundreds and thousands of young people around the world can break through and can make this a better world for all living things. Once young people know the problems and…

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