Among the ten human needs is the need for identity, and this gives our life a higher motivation (Solomon Marcurs).
That being said, Andreea, Adelina, Sebastian, Radu and Andrei packed their things and travelled over the ocean to take part in ”Back to the Roots” Erasmus+ project, on the Caribbean Island of Sint Maarten.
Between 6th – 16th of December 2022, the Romanian team, on behalf of @AsociatiaDGT joined the wonderful team of @caribbeanyouthandsport , @cultureclash4u and met other participants from 7 countries all over the Europe. Together they got to know each other country’s reality concerning identity, migration and discrimination, they went deep into their own roots, sharing thoughts and experiences and last but not least, fun and joy. Far away from home, but used to what the Erasmus+ program means had the chance to discover the life on the island, the locals, their habits and of course, the nature.
In addition, the young people involved in the project had the opportunity to become aware of the fact that in the current conditions of globalization of all kinds, all social levels, from local to regional, national, European, Western and planetary, act on us, directly or indirectly. 🙂

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